What is a Spitz Dog?
Nowadays many popular dogs are considered to be “spitz” dogs; if you’ve been searching for a four legged best friend then chances are you’ve come across the term and have probably wondered what it means. For starters, the term spitz is not a recognized dog breed, but rather a term to identify a specific type of dog. To learn more about spitz type dogs continue reading below!
Physical Appearance
Spitz type dogs are known for their pointy ears, strong jaw, extended muzzle, a tail that usually curls over their back and thick fur that is often white. Many spitz dogs look similar to wolves which actually makes sense – recent DNA tests have found that spitz type dogs originated from wild dogs being bred with wolves.
Despite the term “spitz” being German and some of the dogs being from Germany the specific origin of spitz type dogs is not known, however many of the dogs that we recognize as “spitz” today come from Arctic and Asian regions.

Photo Credit: Foxtrottin’ Northerns – Website
Spitz dogs are known to have dense and luxurious coats that often consist of a long topcoat paired with a thick insulating undercoat. A dog with this type of coat will require a significant amount of grooming to avoid issues relating to fur; brushing is not sufficient as it will only help maintain the top of the coat. A comb will be needed to groom your spitz dog and handle any knots or mats you encounter. Generally these dogs also shed a lot, which is something you may want to take note of before buying a spitz type dog. In addition, due to the coat requiring a lot of care you may want to enlist the help of a groomer which will be an additional expense that you may want to consider.
Spitz dogs are known to be intelligent and loyal dogs that get along fairly well with children and other animals. They can be easily trained however they can be stubborn, which is why persistence is key.
Spitz type dogs are typically very active and need ample free space so they can run around and stay fit. If you purchase a spitz dog you should have a decent sized yard and be prepared to take them for walks or even runs quite often. It’s a good idea to feed them high quality dog food to help keep these active dogs healthy.
Living Environment
Spitz dogs have plenty of endurance and stamina as they have been known to run long distances and pull sleds in severe conditions e.g. cold and snowy. Their topcoat in combination with their undercoat allow for insulation to keep them warm in cold weather so it wouldn’t be a big deal if you live in a region that experiences snow and colder conditions.
Spitz Dogs
A variety of dog breeds are considered to be spitz as there is no fixed size description. As of now a universal list of spitz breeds has not been finalized, but many of the breeds below are considered spitz dogs as they have many of the traits.
- Akita Inu
- Alaskan Husky
- Alaskan Klee Kai
- Alaskan Malamute
- American Akita
- American Eskimo Dog
- Black Norwegian Elkhound
- Canaan Dog
- Canadian Eskimo Dog
- Chow Chow
- East Siberian Laika
- Eurasier
- Finnish Lapphund
- Finnish Spitz
- German Spitz
- Greenland Dog
- Guejae Gae
- Hokkaidō
- Icelandic Sheepdog
- Indian Spitz
- Jämthund
- Japanese Spitz
- Kai Ken
- Karelian Bear Dog
- Keeshond
- Kintamani
- Kishu
- Korean Jindo Dog
- Labrador Husky
- Lapponian Herder
- Mackenzie River Husky
- Norrbottenspets
- Northern Inuit Dog
- Norwegian Buhund
- Norwegian Elkhound
- Norwegian Lundehund
- Nureongi
- Pomeranian
- Pomeranian Husky
- Pungsan
- Russo-European Laika
- Sakhalin Husky
- Salish Wool Dog
- Samoyed
- Schipperke
- Seppala Siberian Sleddog
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Shiba Inu
- Shikoku
- Siberian Husky
- Swedish Lapphund
- Swedish Vallhund
- Tamaskan Dog
- Thai Bangkaew Dog
- Volpino Italiano
- West Siberian Laika