Designer dogs are quite popular. Many people are choosing these wonderful dogs as pets because they are adorable, friendly, cuddly, and playful. The Pomsky is becoming one of the top choices of designer pets because it offers the exotic look of a husky combined with the size of a Pomeranian.
One of the issues with these designer pets is the cost. These are definitely dogs for serious pet owners only. The main reason that these dogs are so expensive has to do with supply and demand. There is currently a high demand for the pomsky, but there are currently not many quality breeders. There are times when it will be possible to find a great deal on the pomsky puppy. It is important to make sure that you do plenty of research about the current puppies for sale before making a decision. Here are a few tips for finding a Pomsky Breeder and getting the best deal on one of these gorgeous puppies.

Via FunnyPets
1. Current Market State
Pomsky puppies are becoming increasingly popular. Because of this, the demand for the puppies has increased at a very fast rate. The popularity combined with the low number of breeders who are reputable is why the price for these dogs can be as much as $3000. However, the average price for most pomskies is about $1000. The potential buyer can expect to pay a bit more than this if they want to have a better breed and be provided with faster service. It is important to consider the state of the market in order to determine when is the best time to purchase your puppy and to make sure that you get it from the best place.
2. Price Preference of the Breeder
Another thing to consider when purchasing a pomsky is the breeder that you are buying the puppy from. Most breeders have a set price that they sell their puppies for and this will play a large role in how much you will end up paying for your new dog. It is important to remember that while the breeder does have a set price, most of the time this price will be negotiable.
It is important to be aware of prices for puppies that seem like they are too good to be true, because they probably are. A reputable breeder will often charge a higher price for their dogs because they incur expenses for properly taking care of the animals. A large discount is a warning sign of poor breeding practices.
3. Pet Stores
When considering the purchase of a pomsky, buying one from a pet store is typically not recommended. One of the main reasons is that many pet stores will buy their dogs from pet mills, which causes the animals that are purchased there to suffer from many diseases. There are pet stores that may offer the puppies at a reduced price and may even offer a warranty. However, chances are that you are going to become frustrated with dealing with a sick pet.
In order to avoid getting a sick pet or a pomsky that is not a true bred it is important to learn the markings of a full bred pomsky. This will help you avoid the scams that are associated with purchasing a dog from a pet store as well.
4. Choice of the Litter
If you are searching for the perfect pomsky puppy to join your family, you may want to consider a breeder who will give you the choice of the litter. Many breeders will offer you the chance to pick first out of a new litter of puppies. However, this choice is going to come with a price. While this option may increase the cost of your new puppy, it may also help you lock in the perfect new addition for your family. While the average price of a pomsky is around $1500, paying an extra fee may not be in your budget. However, there are many breeders that you may choose from, which provide competitive pricing.
When choosing a breeder it is important to realize that you may have to pay up to $500 for shipping costs. There are some breeders that are going to require you to pick up your puppy in person.
5. Research
Perhaps the best tip for choosing a pomsky breeder is to make sure that you do your research. You will find that there are numerous breeders online. You need to make sure that the breeder that you choose has a good reputation. When buying from a breeder you will find that some are better than others. It is a good idea to read as many reviews as possible about the breeder. It is a good idea to ask the breeder for references as well. Call people who have purchased from the breeder that you are considering in order to find more out about the puppies that they sell. When you are spending this much money on your dog, you want to make sure that you are getting what you pay for.
September 25, 2017
I really appreciate this site it was very informative as I did not find the breeder I was looking for in your list which makes me curious and I will take more steps to investigate them before I buy a puppy but I’m definitely sold on the Pomsky breed they are so adorable thank you
September 26, 2017
Hey Sara,
I’m glad to hear it!